The Pope Visits Edinburgh

Edinburgh made international news today with the Pope's visit.  He is doing a tour of Great Britain, which started in Edinburgh and will end in England.  He met with Her Majesty the Queen today in Edinburgh and then travelled to Glasgow to celebrate a public Mass.  He will continue on to meet with the Archbishop of Canterbury for Evening prayer at Westminster Abbey, celebrate Mass at the Cathedral and beatify Cardinal John Newman during Mass in Birmingham.  He had lunch today with the Cardinal and it was 8 minutes from my neighborhood.  I passed it on the way to run an errand.  I wish I would have seen the procession, I did not realize it was coming this close to me. 

It was a beautiful day and I hope that some of my friends/family got to see some clips on the news back in the US.

Our orientation was completed yesterday, so I had the day off to get some things done.  Tomorrow, I have my first hair appointment here and am hoping all goes well.  I really, really need a good cut since I haven't done anything in about 7 weeks....yikes.

We got our schedules today.....finally.  It is not too bad, really.  I'm so glad I'm in the 5 year program because we do have a more reasonable schedule than the 4 years.  Monday is pretty chock full from 9-5 with an hour break for lunch, but two days this week I am only in lecture from 9-12!  Apparently, on Wednesdays university wide, they do not believe in teaching in the afternoon.  It is a time for students to take part in their sports/societies, or just have some free time to take care of business that needs attention during business hours.  I absolutely love this hump day reprieve. 

I'm getting unbelievable excited to start and feel like a school kid.  I am so looking forward to the torture....I'm just different like that. 

I miss all of my family and friends, but have certainly started to settle in.  This is a pretty cool city and I see why everyone told me I would love it.

Oh, the best news is........I can now watch UFC and mixed martial arts again!! Thank Goodness!!  I'm getting all caught up with some fights that I seriously was sad I missed.  The only good news about the TV being terrible here is that there is no ESPN (like we know it), so no sports scores are ruined for me. Heck, I can't even watch the sports I want, for the most part.  No college football and only like two NFL games a week.....Boooooo.

Ok, time to go get some shut eye.  I feel like I may be getting a weakened immune system and do not want to get sick.  Good Night.
