You Have To Pay To Get Into the Mens and Womens Grand Finals!


Capital Football intend to charge the ACT "Football Family" an entry fee to attend the Mens and Womens Grand Finals.

The Capital Football website advises:

Concessions: $5
Under-12: FREE
Souvenir Match Program: $2

This really does take the biscuit!

And what do you get for your entry fee, aside from the Football games you planned to watch anyway at either Hawker enclosed or Deakin Stadium, that you didn't get at any other Premier League game at either location, including the semi finals? Answer - bugger all!

What genius thought of this little "financial touch up" on those of us that go to Mens and Womens Premier League throughout the season? It's not as though they will make a big dollar at gate, so why impose this little cost on supporters and families.

The Premier League Clubs haven't charged a cent this season for entry to their venues for the Premier League games, so why does Capital Football feel it needs to slip its hand into the "football family" pocket? "Football Family", strewth, with relatives like this, hmmmm!

Charge for the program, well I guess so - no, hang on a minute, the Premier League Clubs are required to put a program out for every game (don't always do it) and they don't charge the public, just hand them out or pick one up at the canteen.

These are Capital Football run events, so why don't they just follow the example set by the Premier League Clubs, who have generously provided programs for the spectators throughout the season. Print them, put them at the entry points and let spectators take them if they want one. Free of bloody charge!

Capital Football should not try to make a quid out of the "Football Family" come grand final time. This is not necessary and nor is it good public relations. Must be some sort of precursor to the carbon tax!

Un-bloody-believable!  Un-bloody-necessary!