Elyon's Coffee Shop

Happy 50th Birthday, Jackie!!!

This past Thursday (June 23) began like every coffee crawl day.  But as I was prepping for this week's crawl I decided to send my BFF, Jackie, in Horseheads, NY a quick text msg to wish her a happy birthday.  It was 8:00am here in PE and 2:00am in Horseheads.  No matter, I thought, I knew she'd be awake.  I sent the text and, what do you know, within a minute I received a response from Jackie!  Well, after a brief text conversation we decided to Skype.  An hour later it was time for me to go and for Jackie to try to get some sleep.  So, I sang "Happy Birthday" to her and we signed off.

I sang "Happy Birthday" yet again Thursday morning shortly after this week's crawlers met at Elyon's Coffee Shop.  As promised on last week's post I, along with Beth Vieira, Leanne Waller, Nomusa Nkomo, Les Baldwin, Stella and Beryl Dawson, and Fran and Keith de Beer, sang "Happy Birthday" to June Nash whose big day was Monday (June 20.... you just made the Gemini cutoff, June!).

Elyon's Coffee Shop, located at 8 High Street in Mount Pleasant, is a renovated-for-business house situated in a residential area.  This two-year-old business shares space with V and A Garden Centre and Indigenous Nursery.  After congregating at the nursery and checking out the plants and pots for sale, this week's crawlers moved into the coffee shop to get the crawl underway. 

Meet the Owner
Salome Rees

Elyon's is a small shop with six black-and-white clothed tables and a comfortable lounge area.  The shop is open on weekdays for breakfast or a light lunch, closed on weekends and public holidays.  Owner, Salome' Rees, also provides a "venue and menu" for business meetings, children's parties, and other small gatherings.  She does all the baking of pies and cakes as well.  As you may remember from previous postings I have a weakness for lemon meringue pie.  Well, I broke down and bought a piece to eat later after my trip to the gym.  The pie didn't last that long.... I ate it as soon as I got home.... providing even more incentive to go work out!

I'm finding that many coffee shops in town serve two different brands of coffee.  Elyon's is following suit by using both Miko and Puro FairTrade brands for their coffee beverages.  But for the fact that some of the cappuccinos were served initially without froth and had to be sent back, the coffees were very good.  A second round on the crawl has become a habit, with this week being no exception.  Barista Sibu ("Pinky") served up round two and, with this past Thursday being the second crawl in a row with sunshine, our group sat back and enjoyed the beautiful day and Elyon's relaxed setting.

So, June is not the only Gemini in the group with Keith having just celebrated his birthday a few weeks ago.  As Keith was giving me my weekly Afrikaans lesson, I spied on the wall directly behind him, his astrological "Twin."  Seriously, just look at the resemblance!!! (see pic)  After sharing our respective "signs" the crawlers went on to the subject of puzzles, the most addictive being Sodoku and all newspaper word games.  The "puzzle fiends" in the group all admitted to, at some time, having put off a more urgent task in lieu of completeing a Black Belt Sodoku!  I know many of you readers have done the same...you know who you are!   Motorcyles and pre-paid electricity were topics that also found their way into Thursday's
conversation.   Nomusa got her motorcycle learner's permit; when she gets her license she says she'll come to the Crawl on her "bike."  I'll have to get a pic of that...let's hope it's not raining!  As for pre-paid electricity, I think it's a good idea...keeps you honest.  I can tell that my blood has thinned out since moving here... Lou and I have upped our daily electricity usage to 45 kwh using the electric heater (and the winter has just begun here!)  Winter here is like a cool summer day in NY.  Wow, I'm going to have some problems when we move back!!!

And, Crawl # 20 comes to a close... I have an outrageously busy Thurs-Sat ahead of me (that's why this posting is soooooo late!)  I ended Thursday as I started it... on Skype... this time for two hours with my sister, Elaine, in Erie, PA.  Good talking to you, "schwes."

This week's thanks go out to:
Salome' and staff- I love your shop!
Skype, for providing me with the opportunity to see my family and friends while I'm living away from home.

And, one last note to Jackie...Here's to another 50 yrs!  When you turn 100 I'll probably be celebrating with you in the U.S.  If I'm out of the country I'll text you.... I know you'll be up!!!!

Until next week,


This Week's Crawlers
Nomusa, Beth, Stella, Beryl, Leanne, June, Fran, Keith, Les

Gemini Twins!!!

Meet the Barista
Sibu  -  "Pinky"