No. 39

This is the name of my coffee shop.  It is conveniently located 2 blocks from my flat.  A quaint coffee shop with a mini deli, painted red.  I found my shop during a time of great need. It was the beginning of September and I had just moved into my flat.  I did not have internet for a few weeks, so in search of an 'internet cafe' I went.  The sign on the door advertised free wi-fi for their customers. So, I did what all desperate Americans trying to communicate with loved ones back home would do....I became a customer.

The really interesting thing about most places here, is that you get one price to eat in and another for take-away, with take away being less expensive. I am not certain of the real reason for this, but I do have my thoughts.  You would almost think it the other way around if you were in the US, due to tips and the fact that drinks bring in a larger profit margin than food.  So, the longer you sit, the more you eat/drink, the higher the tab and the more you tip.  But, since you really don't tip here and space is very limited, I think it is the reverse logic.. Thus, they want you to get your bum out the door, otherwise, you will pay the premium.  Plus, if you order a coffee for sit in, they bring it to you in a pretty clear glass mug with a sweet biscuit, a cute little spoon and some sugar.

So, I played the game.  I ordered my latte, booted up my little laptop and took my seat at the counter looking out the big window on to the street and lost myself in the world wide web.  It just so happens that I am a loyal person almost to a fault.  I could not simply take and not give back (even though I was a paying customer), so it quickly became my coffee shop.

It also is coincidental that I walk right past No. 39 on my way home from the vet school every day. I am finding it increasingly impossible to not swing in and get my latte.  I used to allow myself only two a week and I have quickly moved on to justifying a daily dose of caffeine awesomeness.  I do deserve it.  I work hard AND I NEED my midday bump.  The coffee here is quite good and gives a lot of bang for the buck.  Or, pound for the pound......baht-a-boom.

The best thing about No. 39, is not only is it my coffee shop, but I now have my very own latte-maker.  She is a sweet thing, of Spanish descent with a Scottish accent.  She is the nurturing type and she knows what I like. Golden. It took us a few attempts to determine exactly what my drink of choice would be.  We tried Americano, regular coffee, cappucino and ended up at the latte.  Then, it was a matter of how many sugars, because you do not add your own and they do not carry splenda.  The order came to be a 'skinny latte with 2.5 sugars'.  Although, I didn't know this until today because I never actually had to 'order'. You see, we figured out the perfect formula and then it was set.  Every time afterwards, I would walk in and she would ask, 'Latte, take away?'  Why yes, thank you. She'd whip it up, I'd have 1.80 quid waiting for her and off I went. This has gone on for months. Until today.

I walked in and my girl was not there! After the initial panic subsided, I figured I could still manage to order.  The owner knows my drink also, but had to ask me how many sugars.  I don't know...that's why I have a personal latte maker, for crying out loud.  We figured on 2 and it was not enough, so he added a wee bit.  His was not as hot as hers and simply just not as good.  Hers is made with true love and it can be tasted.

My lesson for the day is to not take anything for granted.  And, to write down things that are really important to you :-)

I have just finished my less-than-perfect latte and need to take advantage of my caffeine buzz by getting some work done. I hope my girl is back tomorrow.
