Grrrrrr......Not Again!

Yep, pretty sure I did it again.  It was all for a good cause, I really NEEDED the exercise.  I had a long break from soccer for various reasons, but mainly because it is a haul to get to where most practices are held and by the time I walk/run there, my feet are absolute toast.  My feet are hanging on by threads these days. So, I got an email that there was a practice on Sunday in the park right near my flat...Yay.  It had rained all morning, so it was nice and muddy. I played better than expected considering my absence and felt great. It was such good soup for my soul.

Well, it was very messy and slippery, so many of us fell and were muddy messes by the end.  We were playing 4 v 4 without a real goalkeeper.  Well, my goalie instincts kicked in a few times and I found myself deflecting balls.  One particular time I actually went down to block a shot and felt an sudden 'ouch' in my left wrist.  I thought, 'that probably wasn't good' and kept playing.  A few hours after I got home and the adrenalin was gone, I realized what I had most likely my wrist!  Yeah, I'm fairly certain of it.  If I were a horse and my wrists were my feet, I would surely be euthanized!  The bone I've now broken in both wrists is the same one - the scaphoid, or navicular bone.  Yep, even coincides with a bone in the horse's foot.  Go figure.

So, I found my splint with thumb spica in my closet and put it on. My ortho surgeon from VA actually told me to bring it here..thank goodness.  During lunch, I called my GP here to set up an appointment this week, figuring I'd have to go there and then to an orthopaedic.  Nope.  Just proceed straight to the ER.  Huh?  Seriously?  I have to go sit in an ER to get an xray?  Oh brother, this should be good.  I'm really stacked up with vet school this week, but have a half day Wednesday.  I may go either Tuesday after dinner, knowing I have an 'easy' day on Wed, or I may go Wed afternoon, which is more likely.  I detest this.  I will write all about my first experience with socialized medicine after the fact.  Wish me luck!

In other exciting news, we did our first dissection of the dog today!  Just part of the head. We do a lot of dissections on the dog cadaver.  Today, we took off the skin to reveal the muscles of facial expression. It was quite a delicate little dissection.  The muscles lie just under the skin, so you have to be ever so careful not to cut too deep and to not peel the muscles off with the skin.  Plus, we had a greyhound and they have thin skin anyway.  Tomorrow, we continue with the head and investigate the course and distribution of the superficial nerves of the head.  We will also look at superficial lymph nodes, major superficial blood vessels and some glands.  We have to keep record of all of our work, so we take lots of pictures.  We have to eventually assemble a workbook with either drawings and/or pictures from our labs all labelled.  It will be a lot of work, but a great source for revision and to assist us once we get into surgeries.

Basically, I'm living the dream and loving it!

Time to wrap it up for tonight and prepare my goods for tomorrow.

GO SKINS!!!!  Monday night football tonight and it will be recorded and waiting for me tomorrow!
