Is This The Best Headline The Canberra Times Can Give Football In The ACT?

If you haven't caught up with it yet, a Men's Premier League Round 4 game between Monaro Panthers and ANU was not played on Sunday.

Why? Good question!

Quick as a flash, the Canberra Times, not exactly know for its extensive coverage and support of Football in the ACT Region, got in a good one today with this headline:

"Non-playing Panthers face punishment"

Oh that's just terrific!

Wrong in so far as it doesn't cover the situation from both Clubs' viewpoint. There are definately two sides to this story and some important differences in fact. Its by no means clear which Club will wear the blame for this debacle or who will get the points.

There is only one Football outcome that makes any sense at all - arrange for the games to be played at another time! CApital Football can sort out the Club issues.

Capital Football advise that the Monaro Panthers have made respresentation to them and that the matter is now under investigation. The arguement has begun.

But why did the Canberra Times run such a misleading, injurious and unhelpful headline for Football in the ACT region? Because it looked good? Hmmm!

There was a lot of good football played in the ACT, particularly in the Premier League Men's and Women's grades. That's what should have been reported.

If Clubs find themselves in an adminstrative and orgnaisational mess on game day, unable to meet some of their obligations within the Premier League licencing conditions, they will need to explain themselves and its a matter for careful examination. This is Premier League we are talking about - semi professional for many - sponsors to be considered - spectators / supporters to be considered. Its not park Football!

Sometimes things just go wrong, everyone would have to concede that. But once these two Clubs were unable to reach some clear understanding in order to play this round at another time and place, though not necessarily on the same day (and that's all that should have mattered), we have what happened on Sunday. Then the matter becomes joined by the interests of the media and it's all bet off lads and in this case the article by the CT ensured things just went nuclear! And for what?

Its the sort of issue the Capital Football Board would want to assist the CEo and staff resolve without delay.  Everyone is accutely aware that players, supporters and sponsors were disadvantaged and that is serious, much more so than which Club accrues the points for the game that was never played.

Then there is the impact on Football's image in the minds of the public and sponsors, not helped by the tedious Canberra Times headline. This is now down to the CEO of Capital Football and principle staff to set aright, with the support (I emphasise support) of the Capital Football Board.

The rumours that were flying Sunday night and Monday morning were just ridiculous - here is two peices of rubbish I heard: ANU moved to Hawker so they could get the points on forfiet, and, Monaro PL team wouldn't play because the players were all going to a wedding. Yes it really gets that mad if you give people the opportunity to speculate - Football abhors a vacuum.

This one looks easy to resolve - here's the NPL solution:
  • The games are rescheduled to play at ANU's home ground ASAP - if the Clubs can't agree then Capital Football nominates the date/time/location.
  • The Pathways result stands
  • No forfiet allowed in either PL18 or PL
  • ANU gets the home ground problem sorted to Capital Football's satisfaction
  • Everyone stops talking, no appeal allowed
  • No other penalty applied
These are two good Clubs, with well intentioned management and we need to get out of this rubbish quickly and back to Football.

Strange things happened on the field of play (and off it) last weekend. Must be a lunar eclispse or something.