Merry Meet Again

Samhain fast approaches. The very air carries the intense smells of falling leaves, smoke from fires, and the crisp ice of coming winter.
My thoughts are busy with preparations. My physical work will start on the 18th, 13 days from the Sabbat. I tend to work with fairies as the day draws near, to renew my connection with my inner child (a process that is and should be on going), and mediate on the death of the Mother Goddess and the Oak God that harkens the coming of the Crone and Holly King.

Such a magical time is felt by all people, witch and mundane alike. Signs for Trunk or Treats, Fall Festivals, and Harvest Fairs are posted, decorations of warding Jack-O-Lanterns, spooky ghosts, ensnaring spider webs, and enchanting witches are set out, and boys and girls of all religions are fired-up with the energy of Halloween.

Your meditations for the Sabbat could be on ancestors and death for the season is one of endings (and eventual re-births). They could be on abundance and growth as the third Harvest comes. Or they could be on beginnings and the Witch’s New Year.
Whatever your thoughts are on I know they are blessed. Be sure to go outside and enjoy the autumnal breeze, the pumpkin moons, and the crunch of leaves beneath your feet.

Blessed Be,