You're going to do what?!?!

Start a Blog.

I'm not usually one to follow trends, so the idea of starting a blog when it really isn't a new concept took a lot of consideration. I've never even been one to have journals or a diary. I've tried. I have bought beautiful journals, written about three days worth, only to set it aside to collect dust.

Why now? And what's different?

I have a lot of really cool things going on in my life that I just don't want to pass by without documenting them. For example, my passport is full and has had pages added. But have I got lots of images in photo albums to show for it? Nope. I do have a baggie full of foreign currency. And I do buy my Niece a new magnet in every new country I visit. But that is basically it.

So I'm going to use this opportunity for two main purposes: As a tool to reflect back on all the amazing places I've gone or will go. And also, to hopefully inspire someone in this industry to aim for something beyond the nail table.

I can get down right goofy at times. So don't expect this to be all poo poo business either.

(writing from Valencia, CA today)