The Great Awakening
The Time is Now
The Veil is Lifting
11-11 Balanng the Energies
the above four lines are on the front cover of my Coptic Conference program for 2010.
This year's conference starts on Friday, April 16th and goes on to the 18th at the Holiday Inn Johnson City, TN.
Open to the public as always, seminars will feature Patti Conklin, Raymond Grace, Dannion Brinkley, Patrick Connelly, John Davis, Rainbw Eagle, Gisela Hoffman, Paul Rademacher, and Shelley Nicholas.
I am most excited about this years healing service, since I missed last years. Also, the bookstore was amazing so I'm saving my pennies.
For those of you who are looking to book one of the many psychics and readers at the conference, do so quickly for a few are already booked!
New Year, New Post
Sorry about the long delay in posting, not much excuse for it other than life caught up with me.
What have I been up to?
a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and a pinch of fairy dust added in for fun.
I just finished reading a great book on the Auryvedic system by Dr. Robert Svoboda called Prakriti. I found the book at Mr. Ks for a little under $8 and it was the best pocket money I've ever spent! The book aids the reader in learning heir Prakrite, or consitution, and going by that, the reader can learn foods and medicinal herbs and minerals that are best for them. I could spend all day writing on it but it would be best for you to go out and find the book yourself.
What's coming up this year?
February 2nd is Imbolc, when I plan on performing and posting a candle burning ritual and meditation.
April 16-18 is the Coptic Conference
Blue Plum is coming in June
And much more...
What have I been up to?
a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and a pinch of fairy dust added in for fun.
I just finished reading a great book on the Auryvedic system by Dr. Robert Svoboda called Prakriti. I found the book at Mr. Ks for a little under $8 and it was the best pocket money I've ever spent! The book aids the reader in learning heir Prakrite, or consitution, and going by that, the reader can learn foods and medicinal herbs and minerals that are best for them. I could spend all day writing on it but it would be best for you to go out and find the book yourself.
What's coming up this year?
February 2nd is Imbolc, when I plan on performing and posting a candle burning ritual and meditation.
April 16-18 is the Coptic Conference
Blue Plum is coming in June
And much more...
A Strong Message to our Denominational Leaders
Press Release from United Theological Seminary,
Dayton, Ohio, North America
January 27, 2010
Dr. Wendy Deichmann Edwards, a United Methodist elder currently serving as President of United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio, stated that she was shocked to learn that an agency of The United Methodist Church knowingly plans to release a seriously misleading, damaging statement regarding United Theological Seminary later today. The seminary president said the forthcoming statement is not supported by the findings of the independent financial consultant recently hired by the denomination’s own Board of Higher Education and Ministry, and it contradicts the solid affirmation of the fiscal management of the school by both regional (Higher Learning Commission) and international (Association of Theological Schools) accrediting bodies. “I find it unconscionable that brothers and sisters in Christ would knowingly promulgate inaccurate and damaging claims—this will hurt the Church and its witness as much as it will hurt the seminary,” she stated.
The agency reportedly held a meeting last week and discussed accusations concerning the seminary without inviting a representative of the seminary to be present or even informing the seminary it was a subject of debate. Then, after making this incredible decision, advised the seminary of the matter less than 48 hours before the scheduled announcement. There is no way to stop this unfortunate action once it has been approved by the denomination’s University Senate, Deichmann Edwards was told Tuesday by denominational officials. The best she or even a bishop can do is to submit a request for reconsideration within 90 days after the fact and the President confirmed her intention to file for a retraction and public apology to the seminary. More information will be provided in an Open Letter to be posted on the seminary’s website,, later today.
When questioned why a church agency would ignore the findings of authoritative accrediting bodies and of a credible consultant of its own choosing, and act in ways that would undermine the wellbeing of the seminary and the Church, Deichmann Edwards said it is difficult not to wonder whether there is another agenda at work. In a similar way, she pointed out, for many years United was pressured by the denomination to merge with another school against the seminary’s own best judgment and against the advice of highly qualified, professional consultants hired by the Church itself. She admitted it would be hard to conclude there was no conflict of interest involved in the genesis of the harmful statement by a denominational Commission composed primarily of CEOs from institutions that stand to gain financially if United’s growing strength and good reputation is compromised. The seminary president hopes it is not too late to stem the tide of a culture of divisiveness, scarcity and decline within The United Methodist Church. “God isn’t finished with us yet,” she stated, “because the Holy Spirit is always working and there is a whole world out there waiting to hear Good News.”
United Theological Seminary, founded in 1871 by the United Brethren in Christ Church, is one of thirteen theological schools in the USA now affiliated with The United Methodist Church. In the past several years, the school has built a growing network of support among vibrant congregations both small and large, along with bishops and other church leaders who want to revitalize the Church, make disciples of Jesus Christ and change the world. Along these same lines, United has embraced an educational emphasis upon the work of the Holy Spirit in renewing the Church for the mission of Jesus Christ in the world. The school continues longstanding emphases in biblical and academic study, spiritual formation, personal and social holiness, and the use of technology in education and ministry, now most evident in the increasing number of online learning opportunities for students. United’s new enrollment and financial gift receipts have increased dramatically during the past two years, part of a remarkable institutional turnaround that offers hope for the Church and other institutions committed to spiritual growth and renewal, according to President Deichmann Edwards. “This is not about us or what we are doing,” she asserted, “it is about what God is doing to bring hope and new life to people and we are just blessed to be a part of it.”
Dayton, Ohio, North America
January 27, 2010
Dr. Wendy Deichmann Edwards, a United Methodist elder currently serving as President of United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio, stated that she was shocked to learn that an agency of The United Methodist Church knowingly plans to release a seriously misleading, damaging statement regarding United Theological Seminary later today. The seminary president said the forthcoming statement is not supported by the findings of the independent financial consultant recently hired by the denomination’s own Board of Higher Education and Ministry, and it contradicts the solid affirmation of the fiscal management of the school by both regional (Higher Learning Commission) and international (Association of Theological Schools) accrediting bodies. “I find it unconscionable that brothers and sisters in Christ would knowingly promulgate inaccurate and damaging claims—this will hurt the Church and its witness as much as it will hurt the seminary,” she stated.
The agency reportedly held a meeting last week and discussed accusations concerning the seminary without inviting a representative of the seminary to be present or even informing the seminary it was a subject of debate. Then, after making this incredible decision, advised the seminary of the matter less than 48 hours before the scheduled announcement. There is no way to stop this unfortunate action once it has been approved by the denomination’s University Senate, Deichmann Edwards was told Tuesday by denominational officials. The best she or even a bishop can do is to submit a request for reconsideration within 90 days after the fact and the President confirmed her intention to file for a retraction and public apology to the seminary. More information will be provided in an Open Letter to be posted on the seminary’s website,, later today.
When questioned why a church agency would ignore the findings of authoritative accrediting bodies and of a credible consultant of its own choosing, and act in ways that would undermine the wellbeing of the seminary and the Church, Deichmann Edwards said it is difficult not to wonder whether there is another agenda at work. In a similar way, she pointed out, for many years United was pressured by the denomination to merge with another school against the seminary’s own best judgment and against the advice of highly qualified, professional consultants hired by the Church itself. She admitted it would be hard to conclude there was no conflict of interest involved in the genesis of the harmful statement by a denominational Commission composed primarily of CEOs from institutions that stand to gain financially if United’s growing strength and good reputation is compromised. The seminary president hopes it is not too late to stem the tide of a culture of divisiveness, scarcity and decline within The United Methodist Church. “God isn’t finished with us yet,” she stated, “because the Holy Spirit is always working and there is a whole world out there waiting to hear Good News.”
United Theological Seminary, founded in 1871 by the United Brethren in Christ Church, is one of thirteen theological schools in the USA now affiliated with The United Methodist Church. In the past several years, the school has built a growing network of support among vibrant congregations both small and large, along with bishops and other church leaders who want to revitalize the Church, make disciples of Jesus Christ and change the world. Along these same lines, United has embraced an educational emphasis upon the work of the Holy Spirit in renewing the Church for the mission of Jesus Christ in the world. The school continues longstanding emphases in biblical and academic study, spiritual formation, personal and social holiness, and the use of technology in education and ministry, now most evident in the increasing number of online learning opportunities for students. United’s new enrollment and financial gift receipts have increased dramatically during the past two years, part of a remarkable institutional turnaround that offers hope for the Church and other institutions committed to spiritual growth and renewal, according to President Deichmann Edwards. “This is not about us or what we are doing,” she asserted, “it is about what God is doing to bring hope and new life to people and we are just blessed to be a part of it.”
Research Tools for Student Success
Need academic resources for your papers and projects? Albertsons Library offers library research guides on most all academic subjects. These online guides are one-stop shopping for subject specific research tools such as article databases and relevant websites. Check these guides out here: Reference/subjectguides/list. shtm
Looking for full-text articles? Albertsons Library has put the FIND IT button in most of the library databases and resources. Click on it when you don’t see the full-text of the article you located. The button will link out to other library resources which may contain the full-text you need or allow you to use inter-library loan to request it from another library. Give the library databases a whirl and look for the FIND IT button: indexes/
Need research help during the Spring Semester? There are many options available to you: email a librarian; chat online with a library professional 24/7; schedule a personal research appointment; or visit the reference desk in Albertsons Library. For more information on all the ways you can research help, please click here: reference.shtm
Rick Stoddart,
Reference Librarian
Looking for full-text articles? Albertsons Library has put the FIND IT button in most of the library databases and resources. Click on it when you don’t see the full-text of the article you located. The button will link out to other library resources which may contain the full-text you need or allow you to use inter-library loan to request it from another library. Give the library databases a whirl and look for the FIND IT button:
Need research help during the Spring Semester? There are many options available to you: email a librarian; chat online with a library professional 24/7; schedule a personal research appointment; or visit the reference desk in Albertsons Library. For more information on all the ways you can research help, please click here:
Rick Stoddart,
Reference Librarian
Graduate Student Workshops for Spring!

We're hosting a workshop series designed to foster graduate student success. Each workshop has been designed to suit your research and information needs.
We hope that you will attend as many workshops as you like, and that you gain valuable knowledge and proficiency with certain tools to help you in your graduate studies.
Workshops include: APA Style, Literature Reviews, Tours of the Library and more!
Please review the list of offerings and register for those that you would like to attend by visiting this website:
10 Minutes to Improving Your Research Skills
Are you daunted by an upcoming research project? Want to know more about what the library has to offer? Join us for a free 10 minute training session in the library.
The "10 Minutes to..." sessions will be repeated a few times from 12:00 noon - 12:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, January 25th through February 5th.
Boise State librarians will cover the essentials of research in these short sessions. Look for us just inside the library's front doors, near the entrance to Starbucks. Planned workshops include:
- Monday, 1/25: Navigating the New Library Website
- Tuesday, 1/26: Finding a MOVIE at the Library
- Wednesday, 1/27: Finding Images and Videos on the Web
- Thursday, 1/28: Google Search Tips
- Friday, 1/29: Secrets of Database Searching
- Monday, 2/1: Google It: Exploring Google Services
- Tuesday, 2/2: Finding MUSIC at the Library
- Wednesday, 2/3: Finding Ebooks
- Thursday, 2/4: Getting Started with Your Research
- Friday, 2/5: Google Scholar Search Tips
Welcome to the Library!

Library pages for Faculty. You will find a variety of library resources based on your scholarly and teaching needs, a plethora of library services and collections, and location and contact information for your library liaison.
For students, we have additional computers with Microsoft Office 2007, laptops (Macs & PCs) for checkout, library pages geared toward your scholarly needs (check it out: undergraduate and graduate), and extended hours.
Don't forget, we are available to help you with your research via our reference chat, on Facebook, and on Twitter.
New research databases! Access articles from thousands of journals and magazines in our growing collection of online resources available at the A-Z list of databases.
Find research resources using our extensive interactive subject guides in fields such as Public Administration, Criminal Justice, Kinesiology, Sociology and many more via Alberstons Library's LibGuides system.
We're up to about 110 desktop computers in our student lab, with machines on the first and second floors. Included are two multimedia stations with additional hardware and software so that students can use to create and edit multimedia projects.
There are digital screens in presentation rooms on the first and second floors, so you can plug in your laptop and view your presentation on the big screen.
Albertsons Library is committed to ensure the academic success of Boise State University students, faculty, and staff. If you have questions or comments, please let us know, or call us at 426-1204.
Find research resources using our extensive interactive subject guides in fields such as Public Administration, Criminal Justice, Kinesiology, Sociology and many more via Alberstons Library's LibGuides system.
We're up to about 110 desktop computers in our student lab, with machines on the first and second floors. Included are two multimedia stations with additional hardware and software so that students can use to create and edit multimedia projects.
There are digital screens in presentation rooms on the first and second floors, so you can plug in your laptop and view your presentation on the big screen.
Albertsons Library is committed to ensure the academic success of Boise State University students, faculty, and staff. If you have questions or comments, please let us know, or call us at 426-1204.
Craig Evans at UTS
Noted New Testament scholar Craig A. Evans will speak at United on April 14th for the annual J. Arthur Heck Lectures. His topic is "Jesus Outside the Bible." He will discuss not only non-canonical texts, but sources such as Suetonius and Josephus that mention Jesus.
Dr. Evans is a prolific author and a highly respected scholar of the New Testament. I have heard him lecture, and he is very engaging. I strongly encourage all who are able to attend this event, which will conisist of two lectures and a panel discussion. To learn more about these lectures, click here.
A new Bible website
The Society of Biblical Literature is planning to start a new website about the Bible, one intended not primarily for Bible scholars, but for the general public. They are seeking input about the kinds of things that would make such a website helpful and effective in accomplishing its goals. If you'd like to chime in, click here. I know the people putting this together would appreciate your input.
I've moved
Well, something had to give. In fact, several things had to give, and one of them was my blogging. I was finishing up a book manuscript for Fortress Press. The book is called Honor Among Christians: The Cultural Key to the So-Called Messianic Secret. Hopefully it will be out later this year. If I can just sell as many copies as Rick Warren did with The Purpose-Driven Life, I'll be feeling pretty good.
So, I'm blogging again, much to the great relief of my millions of readers worldwide.
So, I'm blogging again, much to the great relief of my millions of readers worldwide.
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