Research Tools for Student Success

Need academic resources for your papers and projects? Albertsons Library offers library research guides on most all academic subjects. These online guides are one-stop shopping for subject specific research tools such as article databases and relevant websites. Check these guides out here:

Looking for full-text articles? Albertsons Library has put the FIND IT button in most of the library databases and resources. Click on it when you don’t see the full-text of the article you located. The button will link out to other library resources which may contain the full-text you need or allow you to use inter-library loan to request it from another library. Give the library databases a whirl and look for the FIND IT button:

Need research help during the Spring Semester? There are many options available to you: email a librarian; chat online with a library professional 24/7; schedule a personal research appointment; or visit the reference desk in Albertsons Library. For more information on all the ways you can research help, please click here:

Rick Stoddart,
Reference Librarian