Here are some of the things we have in store for you for this semester:
- Scores of great new research databases! Access articles from thousands of journals and magazines in our growing collection of databases, such as Literature Criticism Online, Philosopher's Index, the backfiles of Web of Science, Ethnic NewsWatch, and Early English Books Online, to name a few. You can check out the list of our new databases, or view the A-Z list of everything we offer.
- Extensive interactive subject guides in Anthropology, Public Administration, Economics, Kinesiology, and many more via Alberstons Library's new LibGuides system.
- You wanted more computers? You got it! We added 20 computer stations on the second floor next to the Curriculum Resource Center desk. We're also adding two multimedia stations that students can use to create and edit multimedia projects.
- Want a laptop? In the coming weeks we'll be launching our laptop checkout program so that students will be able to check out laptops from the library's Circulation desk and use them in the library.
- New digital screens in presentation rooms on the first and second floors, so you can plug in your laptop and view your presentation on the big screen.
- You'll see more art on the walls and digital signage showcasing library resources.
- All student computer stations now have Microsoft Office 2007.
- We're creating more helpful video tutorials on how to use library resources.
- A revamped UNIV 106 course, a.k.a. Library Research, is now available as a distance course as well as two in-person courses.
- Implementation of the "Find it" button -- search and locate full text articles across multiple databases.