Not just the gaps in those grown out full sets, but the gaps in your schedule. What are you doing to fill in openings last minute? I wanted to use todays Blog to share an idea that I learned about. Being internet savvy can help you fill in those last minute appointments. There is a business on the net called "Constant Contact" or www.constantcontact.com . They help with email marketing and surveys. However, there is one vital area that techs could utilize.
You basically create a mailing list of your customers email addresses. The night before your work day use the mass mailing system to send your clients "last minute openings". You'd be surprised how many clients may not call you assuming you are already fully booked. You can even take this idea a step further and offer a discount on last minute appointments by including a code they can use when they call to book (to prove they got the email and called because of it).
There are so many other ways you can utilized Constant Contact. You could create a weekly newletter to educate your clients on why your services are so much better than your competition. Remember to say positive things about yourself and your services while avoiding negative remarks about the competition. You can also educate your clients on things like diversion or MMA. Keeping your clients informed of what is safe and what isn't will also keep them loyal for life. Tell them why your products, techniques won't damage your nails.
Lastly, use that survey. Find out what your clients like and dislike. Being able to handle their comments will make you a better tech, booth renter or salon owner.
(writing from Valencia, CA today)