Isabella's Cafe

Just when I think that we have begun to exhaust the list of coffee shops in PE someone here tells me of brand new ones or of already established ones that I haven't discovered yet.  This continues to be an amazing journey for me! 

So, last Thursday's Crawl took us to yet another newly opened PE coffee shop.  Isabella's Cafe, located in the Emerald Square Shopping Centre on Buffelsfontein Rd. in Mount Pleasant, recently opened its doors on March 8, 2012.  Owner Andre Barnardo, an accountant by trade, decided to step out from behind his accounting books and computer screen to pursue this new business venture.  The shop is a work in progress as Andre makes improvements on the already existing business space, and works on achieving an eclectic decor with vintage and modern furniture and accent pieces.  I especially like the old vinyl albums used as centerpieces on each table.  Along with sprucing up the place Andre has had WiFi and DSTV installed and has added a Kiddie play area.

Meet the Owner
Andre Barnardo

For the time being the cafe's menu includes basic breakfasts and light lunches but Andre says he will continue to tweak it as determined by his clienteles' tastes.  In choosing his coffee supplier Andre feels he couldn't go wrong by going with Masterton's secret blend.  Well that secret blend makes for a good cappuccino and a perfect complement to Andre's homemade Hertzog cookies.  A couple rounds worth of coffee orders provided Barista Natalie with her exercise for the day as Crawlers Beryl and Stella Dawson, June Nash, Fran de Beer, Fr. Dominic Griego, Gail Darne, and Beth Vieira decided to sit upstairs in the loft area of the cafe.  The shop's hours are Mon-Fri, 9-6 and Sat-Sun, 9-3.  Andre will also open for private after-hours functions.

Meet the Barista

The discussion on Thursday was spurred on by a quote that Beryl read from a sugar packet on the table..."Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."  Albert Einstein
This quote seem timely in that Fr. Dominic is embarking on a new adventure.  He is moving to Rome soon to further his theological studies.  I believe Isabella's was his last Coffee Crawl.  Fr. D, you will be missed.  I hear there is some awesome espresso to be had in Italy... be sure to send some pics!

This Week's Crawlers
Beryl, June, Fran, Gail, Beth, Stella, Fr. Dominic

The Crawlers then talked about change and how adaptable we humans are when need be.  All this talk reminded me of the poem by Linda Ellis entitled "The Dash."  After telling the Crawlers about it I went home and found a YouTube video of the inspirational author/speaker/poet reading her poem... well worth checking out whether you're familiar with the poem or not... <>

~Thank you and good luck to Andre!
~Happy Birthday to my daughter-in-law, Maryanne, in Cleveland, TN - April 19
~Happy Birthday to my nephew/godson, David, in Edinboro, PA - April 19
~Happy Birthday to Marie Nash of PE - April 18
~Happy Anniversary to June and Howard Nash - April 17
~Good luck and Happy Trails to Fr. Dominic

Until next week,
