The following statement was placed on the Capital Football website today.
Capital Football Statement - ROCK Premier League Grand Final
In the week leading up to the match Capital Football became aware of a campaign through Social Media to incite patriotic fervor between the clubs. Capital Football immediately contacted both clubs and advised their position and the club responsibilities. As a result extra security was added to the match by the clubs and contract staff.
Prior to, and during, the match the following announcement was made over the Public Address system at Deakin Stadium.
Spectator Code of Behaviour
Spectators are reminded that they must never use violence in any form towards another person including fellow spectators, players or match/team officials. Spectators must also not enter or attempt to enter the field of play or playing arena without lawful authority. Any person who does not comply with this Spectator Code of Behaviour, or who otherwise causes a disturbance, may be evicted from the venue and may be banned from attending future matches.
Capital Football has not, and never will, condone the use of foul and abusive language aimed at staff members, contractors or volunteers, or the use of flares in a public area. This kind of behaviour would not be tolerated in any employment workplace.
The atmosphere created by the majority of supporters at the game on the weekend helped to create a vibrant, colourful occasion, a backdrop against a tremendous match. Indeed, Capital Football encourages supporters to sing, chant and wave their club colours at matches in the region. However some of the behaviour at this match was out of control and measures will be put in place to prevent this happening again.
In June this year four people were arrested and fined $380 each for lighting flares at the Australia v Serbia match in Melbourne. Flares are banned from matches by the FFA and its member Federations.
The governing body of football in Canberra will not tolerate the kind of verbal abuse directed at contracted security staff and Capital Football employees during and after the Grand Final. As was noted in the Canberra Times article on Wednesday 21st September 2011, it was idiotic, vulgar, abusive, inappropriate behaviour that belongs somewhere else, it does not belong at our football games. The verbal abuse that was levelled at me and other staff and security will not be tolerated. Those people will be put on notice that we do not want them in our sport.
The club in question will receive a breach notice from Capital Football and the individuals responsible for these actions will face severe disciplinary action including possible police investigation.
A spectator present at a Match or otherwise involved in any activity staged or sanctioned by FFA or an affiliated Member Federation, District Association or Club must:
(a) respect the decisions of Match Officials and teach children to do the same.
(b) never ridicule or unduly scold a child for making a mistake.
(c) respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person regardless of their gender, ability, race, colour, religion, language, politics, national or ethnic origin.
(d) not use violence in any form, whether it is against other spectators, Team Officials (including coaches), Match Officials or Players.
(e) not engage in discrimination, harassment or abuse in any form, including the use of obscene or offensive language or gestures, the incitement of hatred or violence or partaking in indecent or racist chanting.
(f) comply with any terms of entry of a venue, including bag inspections, prohibited and restricted items such as flares, missiles, dangerous articles and items that have the potential to cause injury or public nuisance.
(g) not, and must not attempt to, bring into a venue national or political flags or emblems (except for the recognised national flags of any of the competing teams) or offensive or inappropriate banners, whether written in English or a foreign language.
(h) not throw missiles (including on to the field of play or at other spectators) and must not enter the field of play or its surrounds without lawful authority.
(i) conduct themselves in a manner that enhances, rather than injures, the reputation and goodwill of FFA and football generally.
Any person who does not comply with this Spectator Code of Behaviour or who otherwise causes a disturbance may be evicted from a venue and banned from attending future Matches.
Heather Reid
Capital Football