Sports Rage - One Big Reason We Have Trouble Getting Referees and Club Officials / Volunteers

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The impact of sport rage on officials

The Australian Bureau of Statistics released data in January 2002 indicating that there had been a 26% decline in the number of officials participating in sport between 1997 and 2001.

In addition, national research conducted by the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) in March 2002 indicated that lack of respect for, and abuse of officials, significantly contributed to the decline.

The research shows the most common reasons for an official quitting are the high level of abuse they receive and the lack of respect for their role in sport.

As a result, the industry faces a major challenge in the recruitment and retention of officials.
The impact of sport rage on clubs

In addition to officials quitting their posts, sport rage is also reflecting badly on clubs involved. In many cases this is resulting in:An unsafe environment for players, officials, coaches, spectators and volunteers

  1.  A decrease in levels of player participation
  2. Withdrawal of much needed financial support from sponsors
  3. An increased risk of litigation against the club.