Three years ago, I began formulating "soak off gel" samples with my lab tech. She would send me samples, I would make a list of likes and dislikes for her. She would send me a new sample and I would repeat the process. For two full years, I narrowed down the formula until it served the purpose I was looking for. Protect the natural nail, allowing it to grow longer, while serving as nail color that won't chip, peel or smudge.
Now we have Eco UV Polish by Star Nail International (and Elaine haha). With practice it only takes me an extra 5 minutes to apply than traditional polish. However, once it is out of the UV light, there are no worries about smudging color digging for money, putting shoes and socks on or fastening your seat belt!
Here is my friend Arica on day one: I applied this set so that her nails would be beautiful for our big Chicago Show. This is day One.

Right now, the Polish Industry is huge in sales to the average house wife. As professionals, we get $0.00 on each service that includes polish. Ask any Nail Tech, "If I get a manicure with you and decide I don't want polish, will you take some money off the service?" and they will tell you, "hell no!". So as booth renters and salon owners, we pay for that wall of bottles and make $0.00.
With this color service, now you can get $10 or even up to as much as $15 for that time you were making $0.00 simply by adding Eco UV Color by Star Nail International (and Elaine haha).
Imagine, the excitement that your client will feel when that color is on for one full week. Imagine, the referrals you'll get for her friends, her family and her co-workers.
Here is Arica at 1 week: Remember she worked a Beauty Show in this set. She did Set up, Take down, opened boxes and still her nails look beautiful!

Not only does it serve as nail color. But it is also a protective coating on the nails that prevent them from splitting, peeling or cracking. And, if you have ridges or indentations, it will smooth those out giving you that glossy finish.
But more important is the income it can generate for you. The key is to do it as part of your existing service. Do not offer it as it's own service. If you currently do a manicure for $15 with polish. Offer the UV Color with Manicure for $25. That is $50 an hour. If you have a pedicure with polish for $25. Now offer Pedicure with UV Color for $35.
Ask any woman who doesn't already get manicures, why she doesn't get manicures. She'll tell you, "It's not worth paying $15 if my polish only stays on 4-5 days.". It's true. Americans want to see worth for their money. Now, if you gave her the option of having color last longer for a bit more money. She'd certainly consider it worth the cost.
It's time for Arica at 2 1/2 weeks:

How can you turn existing clients paying $15 for a manicure with polish into $25 manicure with UV color clients? It's simple. Offer one free Eco UV color nail with her manicure the next time she's in. Pick a polish color that is as close as possible and color the rest of her nails with the polish. In a week, she'll be calling and begging you to put the color on all ten nails. You just need to introduce her to the product and show her it is worth her money. As for the clients not even coming in...well leave that up to your loyal customers. Their word of mouth will be all you'll need to double your the number of clients in your book.
There is no better advertising than word of mouth. We trust our friends, family and coworkers to steer us in the right direction. So put your loyal clients to work and don't forget to reward them for referrals.
One more picture of Arica. This is her FOUR week picture:

Trust me when I tell you, no woman in her right mind, would ever want to wear this product for four weeks. BUT it is possible. Now the important key is controlling how often your client comes back. If she is a weekly manicure, simply prep the nail much lighter and the UV color will last only one week. If she's a bi weekly manicure, prep a little more to get two weeks out of an application. And when your appointment book is completely full, prep everyone to get three weeks out of their applications and fill those empty spots in with new customers. You'll make as much money doing simple manicures with UV Color as a busy tech doing artificial nails. Without all the hard work filing, filing, filing.
It's the dawn of a new era in the Nail Industry. Finally, we've caught up with technology and gave nail color new life!!!
(written in Valencia, CA)