Back row: Cathy McIntyre, Cara McIntyre, Larry McIntyre, Jr., Colleen McIntyre, Larry Watson
Seated: Elaine Watson, Larry McIntyre, Sr. with Baby on his shoulder, Helen McIntyre
Helen and Larry were married on November 26, 1937 at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Chicago. We celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary on November 6, 1987 at Shanes' Fireside Inn, 9190 Waukegan Road, Morton Grove, Illinois. Helen, as she always did, made a scrapbook of the event. In the scrapbook are photos, cards received, congratulation notes and memories - both narrative and poetic - that invitees wrote to the "happy couple." A few are reproduced here:
The Baby Sitters, by Tom Sullivan
"The only interesting incident I can recall about Helen and Larry was one time when Tommy was a baby -- maybe 1 1/2 years old.
We didn't go many places when Tommy was a baby, and where we went we usually took him. In those days baby-sitting wasn't the profession it is now, in fact the name wasn't even in vogue. We had to go someplace where we couldn't take Tommy and we were at wits end as to what to do. For some reason our parents were tied up, too. We hit upon the idea of asking Helen and suggesting she bring Larry over to keep her company. She readily accepted, and said she might invite over a couple more friends. We said okay.
We didn't go many places when Tommy was a baby, and where we went we usually took him. In those days baby-sitting wasn't the profession it is now, in fact the name wasn't even in vogue. We had to go someplace where we couldn't take Tommy and we were at wits end as to what to do. For some reason our parents were tied up, too. We hit upon the idea of asking Helen and suggesting she bring Larry over to keep her company. She readily accepted, and said she might invite over a couple more friends. We said okay.
Just Helen and Larry were there when we left and things were quiet. When we got home people were hanging out our third story window on Washington Boulevard, throwing things and having a great time. When we came in the party collapsed and everyone immediately left. When we looked in on Tommy he was happily sitting in his crib playing with two gin bottles which he objected to our taking from him. No harm was done that we could see, but we had some straightening up to do.
This was the only occasion that I remember where we had sitters, from then on Margaret got her mother or mine to do the job at their own home."
This was the only occasion that I remember where we had sitters, from then on Margaret got her mother or mine to do the job at their own home."
Memories, by Bob Watson
"When asked to recount a remembrance, the Holidays come to mind first. Their generosity to share their love with others is the characteristic that I will always remember most. A marriage is only as strong as the individuals and it is here that the McIntyre's excel.
Take your Mother for instance. Mrs. Mac, as I have always thought of her, is the personification of an individual. A few years ago I inquired as to what your Mom might like as a gift and you indicated some writing materials. At that time I did not know your mother's varying talents. This was short lived, immediately the newspapers got wind of the activity and published her. Your mother's fixation with apes is a rather unique characteristic. Not being aware of this interest, I once went into the bedroom to collect my coat. Those of faint heart should not venture there in. What I found was the ape house of Lincoln Park Zoo. Although stuffed, an array of beasts unlike any I ever encountered was observed guarding the bedroom. A final example of the individual spirit exhibited by your mom was her attendance at the Boy George concert. It was most thoughtful of her to offer to keep Catherine company at the concert but the danger involved in standing on a chair at a concert composed of young groupies is almost beyond the call of grandmotherhood (your Mom deserves a new word) Thank God her granddaughter was there to keep an eye on her.
Now then there is your dad. A man who possibly knows more people from the old west side than anyone I've ever talked to. Many of the people he was friends with were from the same area that my parents were from and the names and places are those I heard of when I was young. Talking to your dad places the modern age in perspective. How did business handle inventories, sales, etc. before the computer age? They hired people like Mr. Mac. He knew the business and the people that made it run. His experiences from the office to driving the president of the company to work reflects this. Your dad also has a unique characteristic, a twinkle in his eye that says life is work living.
Take your Mother for instance. Mrs. Mac, as I have always thought of her, is the personification of an individual. A few years ago I inquired as to what your Mom might like as a gift and you indicated some writing materials. At that time I did not know your mother's varying talents. This was short lived, immediately the newspapers got wind of the activity and published her. Your mother's fixation with apes is a rather unique characteristic. Not being aware of this interest, I once went into the bedroom to collect my coat. Those of faint heart should not venture there in. What I found was the ape house of Lincoln Park Zoo. Although stuffed, an array of beasts unlike any I ever encountered was observed guarding the bedroom. A final example of the individual spirit exhibited by your mom was her attendance at the Boy George concert. It was most thoughtful of her to offer to keep Catherine company at the concert but the danger involved in standing on a chair at a concert composed of young groupies is almost beyond the call of grandmotherhood (your Mom deserves a new word) Thank God her granddaughter was there to keep an eye on her.
Now then there is your dad. A man who possibly knows more people from the old west side than anyone I've ever talked to. Many of the people he was friends with were from the same area that my parents were from and the names and places are those I heard of when I was young. Talking to your dad places the modern age in perspective. How did business handle inventories, sales, etc. before the computer age? They hired people like Mr. Mac. He knew the business and the people that made it run. His experiences from the office to driving the president of the company to work reflects this. Your dad also has a unique characteristic, a twinkle in his eye that says life is work living.
My Favorite Doll, by Cara McIntyre
When I was five years old, I got my favorite doll, Cindy. That year, as usual, we spent Christmas Eve at my grandparents. There was a great big box with my name on it under the Christmas tree. Though there were very many beautifully wrapped gifts waiting to be passed out, that one gigantic box kept me wondering.
It seemed like hours when finally the time arrived for opening gifts. We all received several gifts but the first bow that I opened was, of course, the one that contained the doll. How excited I was! There was a beautiful baby doll with blue eyes that opened and closed. Her hair was a pretty shade of blond, and every time I turned her over she cried "mama!". Immediately, I named her Cindy. The reason I chose this name was because all the girls in my family have names that begin with the letter "C". She was big enough to cuddle, so I carried her around the rest of the evening.
At home, I carried Cindy around everywhere. I slept with her all the time. I pretended that she was my daughter and I was her mother. I changed her sheets and pillow case and I painted her finger nails and toe nails a pretty pink color. Marcy noticed that I loved this doll so much that she made pajamas and a dress with a matching bonnet for it. Another year for my birthday, she made a blue cradle for it.
To this day, I have Cindy in her cradle. Although she is not in my room, when I see her in the storage room I can't help but feel like a five-year-old again. I will never give her away. I plan to keep her always and when I have children of my own I will give her to them. I will never receive another gift more memorable than my favorite doll, Cindy.
Cara wrote a note with the story "Thank you for having given me Cindy when I was little. I got an A on this paper for my English Class."
In Appreciation, by Ben Gerber
Though mornings might be hot or cold
Weather either balmy or dire,
Dauntless, always fearless and bold
The daily drive of McIntyre.
So many thanks for those rides so great
And best wishes to Larry and his lovely mate!
Ben Gerber lived in the building next door to 5855 N. Sheridan and Dad drove him to work everyday.
A letter, from Tom and Elayne Sullivan
Congratulations on the occasion of your 50th wedding anniversary! How time flies. It seems like just the other day that Margaret, Tom and myself were going to Nell's to celebrate Christmas Eve with you and Larry Jr. and Elaine and Ruth and Nan. Those gatherings bring back found memories.
Another memory I have of you is your thoughtfulness. Many times I have received cards from you on St. Patrick's day, Halloween, Thanksgiving and so on. Also it seems like whenever you went on vacation or took a trip you never failed to drop us a line. We really appreciate it and think you are both wonderful people!
To Helen and Larry, by The Jessweins
Who always made merry,
When she made a scrap book, and
Walks that he took.
In going back in time
Oh, Lake Lawn Lodge was so fine
And how about Latrobe Avenue
And Nellie - so - funny - made your
Eyes dew.
Their memories - Their Memories
remain long
With the thoughts of the Kennedys
remaining strong
Elaine and Larry went on their own way,
But not to worry, there still is
Baby and friends to take up the day
The parties were so much fun,
Whether Halloween or Sweet Sixteen pun.
Today they our known as Seedy and Pops
Why, it all started with those three
little tots.
So with fond wishes and a hearty ado
We just want to tell you,
WE ALL LOVE YOU !!!!!!!!!
Attendees at the 50th Anniversary Party: Ruth Rooney, Rich, Judy, Kristen and Kevin Jesswein, Hazel and Ben Gerber, John and Sally Sullivan, Bill Sullivan, Larry, Cathy, Colleen and Cara McIntyre, Marcy Koenig, Fr. Tom McIntyre, Larry and Elaine Watson, Catherine White, Bob Watson, Helen and Larry McIntyre
Larry and Helen's Anniversary gift from the Sullivans, McIntyres and Watsons was a weekend at the Drake Hotel and tickets to the play "Shear Madness". Mom captured this event in her scrapbook too!
It seemed like hours when finally the time arrived for opening gifts. We all received several gifts but the first bow that I opened was, of course, the one that contained the doll. How excited I was! There was a beautiful baby doll with blue eyes that opened and closed. Her hair was a pretty shade of blond, and every time I turned her over she cried "mama!". Immediately, I named her Cindy. The reason I chose this name was because all the girls in my family have names that begin with the letter "C". She was big enough to cuddle, so I carried her around the rest of the evening.
At home, I carried Cindy around everywhere. I slept with her all the time. I pretended that she was my daughter and I was her mother. I changed her sheets and pillow case and I painted her finger nails and toe nails a pretty pink color. Marcy noticed that I loved this doll so much that she made pajamas and a dress with a matching bonnet for it. Another year for my birthday, she made a blue cradle for it.
To this day, I have Cindy in her cradle. Although she is not in my room, when I see her in the storage room I can't help but feel like a five-year-old again. I will never give her away. I plan to keep her always and when I have children of my own I will give her to them. I will never receive another gift more memorable than my favorite doll, Cindy.
Cara wrote a note with the story "Thank you for having given me Cindy when I was little. I got an A on this paper for my English Class."
In Appreciation, by Ben Gerber
Though mornings might be hot or cold
Weather either balmy or dire,
Dauntless, always fearless and bold
The daily drive of McIntyre.
So many thanks for those rides so great
And best wishes to Larry and his lovely mate!
Ben Gerber lived in the building next door to 5855 N. Sheridan and Dad drove him to work everyday.
A letter, from Tom and Elayne Sullivan
Congratulations on the occasion of your 50th wedding anniversary! How time flies. It seems like just the other day that Margaret, Tom and myself were going to Nell's to celebrate Christmas Eve with you and Larry Jr. and Elaine and Ruth and Nan. Those gatherings bring back found memories.
Another memory I have of you is your thoughtfulness. Many times I have received cards from you on St. Patrick's day, Halloween, Thanksgiving and so on. Also it seems like whenever you went on vacation or took a trip you never failed to drop us a line. We really appreciate it and think you are both wonderful people!
To Helen and Larry, by The Jessweins
Who always made merry,
When she made a scrap book, and
Walks that he took.
In going back in time
Oh, Lake Lawn Lodge was so fine
And how about Latrobe Avenue
And Nellie - so - funny - made your
Eyes dew.
Their memories - Their Memories
remain long
With the thoughts of the Kennedys
remaining strong
Elaine and Larry went on their own way,
But not to worry, there still is
Baby and friends to take up the day
The parties were so much fun,
Whether Halloween or Sweet Sixteen pun.
Today they our known as Seedy and Pops
Why, it all started with those three
little tots.
So with fond wishes and a hearty ado
We just want to tell you,
WE ALL LOVE YOU !!!!!!!!!
Attendees at the 50th Anniversary Party: Ruth Rooney, Rich, Judy, Kristen and Kevin Jesswein, Hazel and Ben Gerber, John and Sally Sullivan, Bill Sullivan, Larry, Cathy, Colleen and Cara McIntyre, Marcy Koenig, Fr. Tom McIntyre, Larry and Elaine Watson, Catherine White, Bob Watson, Helen and Larry McIntyre
Larry and Helen's Anniversary gift from the Sullivans, McIntyres and Watsons was a weekend at the Drake Hotel and tickets to the play "Shear Madness". Mom captured this event in her scrapbook too!