Yet another year has come and gone. I swear the older I get the faster they go by.
So my blog question today, for all of you, is, "Have you set your New Year's Resolution"? I find there are two types of people. The type that set Resolutions and those of us whom don't.
For me, the word is kind of synonymous with "temporary". And can give us all a feeling of failure. While I've never been one to set a "resolution" I certainly have been a life long goal setter.
You do not have to limit it to your personal life. In fact, I find that we tend to keep our goals more realistic in our professional life. So my first suggestion is to keep it real. Don't set yourself up for failure. Baby steps. I like to set several goals that are simple and can be completed in a shorter time line. Then I set one big juicy goal that will take some commitment on my part, but the rewards are totally worth it. So I really would love to hear what kind of goals you've set for yourself for 2009. Perhaps something you've decided to do could become a great suggestion for someone else.
My simple goals professionally will be:
Keep my desk organized. I am KNOWN for my disorganized desk (even though I know where everything is).
Increase my education contribution to the industry. For example, I'm about to finish our Star Nail DVD (a HUGE undertaking) and am looking to help a friend launch her new Association for the Nail Industry.
Be more consistent with my blogging.
Step up my artwork and continue to try to come up with new innovative ideas for my shoots.
(there's more of this stuff)
My big Juicy Goal:
To increase Cina Sales. I just missed my 2008 Goal by about a teeny tiny margin. This goal kind of goes hand in hand with my education goal. I need to step up my seminars to show techs that they A) do not need to be artistic at all and B) can make a ton of money doing nail art. Awareness is key for me to do this. Cina is my baby here at Star Nail. It gives me such a thrill to see it continue to grow. It gives me an even greater thrill to see Mr. Tony Cuccio excited about "Nail Art"!!!
And ...my constant goal... Always LOVE what I am doing. I have been blessed with a career that I absolutely LOVE!!! And I am thankful for that with each passing day.
(writing from Valencia, CA today)