As I was sitting here this morning trying to think about what to blog, I could not help thinking how fast this year went by. I started to think of all the things that we accomplished this year at Star Nail and the list is remarkable.
It was a busy year with a few new countries under my travel belt. I gave seminars in Honduras, Latvia, Ukraine, London, Romania, Panama and South Africa. Of course there are a few US cities in there as well.
Along with the rest of our marketing team, we created and edited and edited and edited and edited FOUR catalogs!! Cina (my baby), Cuccio, Star Nail and All Season Nails all got a face lift with these catalogs. I'm so proud of all of us. They are amazing. I severely under estimated the work it would take putting together four catalogs at once. The day they arrived on the truck to our warehouse was a day of celebration. Our work was done....or really just beginning.
We added so many new products this year. At Cosmoprof we launched our new Eco System line. Eco System is composed of four odor FREE systems (acrylic, powder gel, gel overlay and sculpting gel).
We launched Nail Evolution, by FAR the best acrylic powder and liquid I have ever used in my 16 years of doing nails. All of my acrylic ad work, posters and Nailpro covers this year were done with this powder and liquid. The clarity just rocks my world.
Cuccio got a lot of attention from us this year. For a few years now we've been known as "the Butter Company". Well we've expanded on that. We added our Cuticle Butter Sticks (think of chapstick for your cuticles). We also added Butter Lytes. NOT Lotion. I can't even use the "L" word for these. It's our famous Butter Formula in a lighter viscosity. For hotter humid months OR clients that aren't quite as dry. Let's face it, there isn't only one skin type out there.
Photoshoots took on new life this year. Two of our best are yet to be seen. We shot a full day of Cuccio with three models, hair staff, stylists for their wardrobe, photographer with two assistants and myself (fingers and toes). Just wait until you see the ads that are coming this year.
Cina got a lot of photoshoot love. Many of the images are in the catalog and will be following in ads and style changes. This is always fun for me since Nail Art is my favorite part of our Industry. For this we had three models representing the most beautiful hands and feet.
Yes, 2008 has been a very busy year. I'm exhausted just recounting it. I know there is so much more that I'm forgetting.
2009 is already taking off. My travel schedule has not gotten any lighter. We'll be launching a HUGE DVD right after the new year. And I'm already working on new products for the Vegas Cosmoprof show. It never ends. THANK GOD. I love what I do.
Thanks for a great year and allowing me to continue my passion and love for the industry.
(writing from Valencia, CA today)