Historical research just became a lot easier! We are pleased to announce the addition of CLIO Notes to America: History & Life and Historical Abstracts in the library's databases collection. CLIO is available via the EBSCOhost suite of databases:
Access to America: History & Life and scores of other databases is available via the Albertsons Library's Databases page. Please contact one of our helpful reference librarians if you would like to know more about this or any of the resources available to you at the library.CLIO Notes for America: History & Life will guide you through subjects in United States history, by allowing you to browse through chronologies and brief summaries of significant events and themes in American history. On the main screen, you will find a list of major time periods and events. Each of these is further divided into subtopics that display informative essays and suggestions for further research. Linked subject terms are also provided, which allow you to search the entire America: History and Life database for articles, book and media reviews, and dissertations.CLIO Notes for Historical Abstracts will guide you through subjects in World History since 1450 (excluding the United States and Canada), by allowing you to browse through chronologies and brief summaries of significant events and themes in modern history. On the main screen, you will find a list of major time periods and events. Each of these is further divided into subtopics that display informative essays and suggestions for further research. Linked subject terms are also provided, which allow you to search the entire Historical Abstracts database for articles, book citations and dissertations.