A multi-media site aimed at young voters.
On the voting process
Official site of the Idaho Secretary of State, who oversees elections in
About the candidates
Provides non-partisan information on state and national candidates, including voting records, interest group ratings, and campaign finances. Issue positions are also included, but only if the candidate chooses to participate, so coverage is uneven. Check out this page for young voters.
Nonpartisan; analyzes the accuracy and truthfulness of political ads.
Commission on Presidential Debates
Covers debates for state races. Also includes links to news outlets around the state.
News and commentary
National Public Radio’s news site on the elections. Includes news, commentary, polls, and blogs on the candidates and the issues, mainly at the national level.
Includes videos from the Public Broadcast System. Try out their Budget Hero to see if you can balance the federal budget.
Albertsons Library's Election Informationhttp://guides.boisestate.edu/election