One of my favorite topics in Tony Cuccio's International Seminar is how "Woman's Lib was the worst thing for the American Woman.". Imagine a room FULL of woman and one of very few men just said that. It's quite comical the glares he gets.
Let's take a look at why he says it and how he ends up getting out of his seminar alive.
Pre-equality. Jane is home all day long taking care of the kids and the house. When Tarzan gets home he has a ice cold drink waiting for him. While Tarzan drinks his drink, Jane finishes preparing dinner and keeping the kids off Tarzan, "whom has had a hard day". Lucky Tarzan.
Today. Jane's day starts off at the crack of dawn. She must wake the kids up, prepare them (and Tarzan) breakfast, get them dressed and off to school (er work for Tarzan). Then, in the time she has left, she gets herself together and rushes off to her full time job where she is treated equally. Sometime after or around 5pm when Jane gets home, she still makes Tarzan and the kids dinner, helps them with their homework and gets them off to bed on time. At this point, Jane is lucky if she can stay awake for her only 'me' time.
Does this sound fair? Or equal?
So after a day like this who has the time to get the things done that Jane needs to do. If you are running your own salon, spa or booth renting I do have a small solution and it is one of my favorites. When that quiet time starts, put on your most comfortable pajamas, fuzzy slippers and grab that glass of wine. Put on some soft music and light some candles..... have I got your attention? Imagine doing your shopping like this! You have to keep that product coming into your business so that you can continue to do services and retail. Why not take advantage of internet shopping and do it in the comfort of your own pj's? This way, you're still taking time for yourself AND getting that necessary work done.
Otherwise, who has the time?
The company I work for just revamped the websites. We have cinapro.com (nail art), starnail.com (profession nail products and accessories) and cuccio.com (all your spa needs). It's amazing how easy shopping on line can be now. Streamline carts with simple catagories make it quick and easy to find what you are looking for, high resolution images for the window shopper in you and a check out so easy that even your 80 year old grandma could do it. Even though security has come a LONG way, we actually process the sale inhouse, to keep nosey computers from listening in on your transactions.
So, while I know internet shopping will never replace a fun afternoon with your shopping buddy...it is an awesome tool for those days when you just can't find the time!!!!
(writing from Valencia, CA today)