The statistics are frightening. I went to The American Cancer Society's website for some statistics for my blog. Here just a few of them from their Breast Cancer Facts and Figures for 2007-2008:
* Excluding Cancers of the skin, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, accounting for more than 1 on 4 cancers diagnosed in US Women.
* Currently, a woman living in the US has a 12.3% (1 in 8) lifetime risk of developing breast cancer. In the 1970's the lifetime risk of developing breast cancer was 1 in 11.
* White women have a higher incidence of breast cancer than African American woman after the age of 40. In contrast, African American women have a higher incidence rate before age 40 and are more likely to die from breast cancer at every age.
* In 2007, approximately 40,460 women are expected to die from breast cancer. Only lung cancer account for more cancer deaths in women.
* Here is the entire publication: American Cancer Society's Breast Cancer Facts and Figures for 2007 - 2008.
The key is early detection to increase your survival rate. The earlier you detect a mass the higher your chance of survival is.
I'm very proud that Tony has allowed me to bring back my Pink Ribbon Decals and add it as a permanent fixture to the Cina line. It's a small fun way of showing our support in the fight against cancer and support for cancer research. We added them to the shopping cart at where anyone can purchase them. They're a great team addition to anyone doing a walk or benefit fund raiser for Cancer Research.
(writing from Valencia, CA today)
in loving memory of Carol Gadbois whom lost her fight against cancer last week. Her humor, nutty antics and laughter will be missed by all of us whom had the honor of knowing and loving her.