What's worse is as an American Nail Technician your battling those discount salons on every street corner.
It's sink or swim. So what can you do to keep your business going? First, be a smart shopper. Nail Glue is Cyanoacrylate. If you're paying for fancy, shmancy glue, check the ingredients. There are so many sundries you can be smart about shopping for. I'm not saying to get rid of that reliable acrylic or gel system you have. I'm saying all the bits and bobbles like files, sticks, blocks, glue, dappen dishes, brushes...so on. You can save lots of money by being smart and finding the best price.
Next, retail. If you say, "Ya I retail" I say...BULL. Nail Techs in America fall short on retail. What if I told you that by adding a few really good items, you could pay your rent on retail alone? You could. Take Cuccio Natural for example (one of my companies product lines). We offer retail banners that you put in your waiting area that lay down the sales foundation for you. Not to mention great point of purchase displays that make it easy for your customer to pick out retail items without your help. Things like these examples will boost your sales and help you out.
Make yourself known. Offer to do nails on your supermarket cashiers, bank tellers and anyone that works with customers. Offer to do their nails for substantially less if they agree to give out your card if someone inquires about their nails. That is basically free advertising. And personally we all know word of mouth is great. That potential client wants to know your fantastic before she tries you out.
Times are a changing folks. My prediction is that those discount salons are not going to be so discount for long. Ride out the rough times because the Second Generation is growing up and about to take over the family business. Those kids are now Americanized and won't want to work for so little. What you do now, can determine your future in this industry.
(writing from Valencia, CA today)