The lengths I will go to for an internet connection. I'm sitting here in the Hotel Lobby. It's wifi and it's free so I honestly can't complain. But man how we can take such a luxury for granted (in America). I have to watch my little wifi computer graphic before I can get or send information. So I hover over the send button on my email as I watch that little computer. Sometimes it takes a few minutes too. So now I'm like this freak willing the connect to stay long enough to hit send.
No business chat today. I've just finished several long days of business in Panama and I just don't have the urge to make another suggestion on how to increase your business. haha. I'll get back into that when I get home.
This is my first time to Panama. It's very beautiful here. My hotel is smack dab in the middle of the rain forest but not far from downtown Panama complete with skyscrapers. While we've gotten a lot of work accomplished, I have to admit it's be a fun trip. Once a year Tony and I get together with our Export customers from Central and South America. We call it our annual Summit. What's amazing is how all our customers from many different countries come together to do business with us, but end up making personal and professional friendships. It's really inspiring to see them helping one another and offering suggestions to grow their business.
For anyone that has never attended anything like this let me give you an idea of one of my days.
Wake up, shower and get all of my beauty regimen done (early)....talk, talk, talk, talk, talk and talk some more. Throw some meals in there with more talk, talk, talk...then off to bed (late). Now multiply that times 3 days. As always, while offering all the knowledge I've learned from Tony for so many years, I've learned some more from each of our Customers here about the things they are facing in each of their countries.
I did get about three hours today to be a tourist. I went on a great walk with Claudia (from our office whom came on this trip with us). I got to see three Monkeys in person for the first time in my life. Claudia and I even reached out and touched the sweetest little female Monkey. Call us nutty but it was a really neat experience.
Ok...now pray for me and my connection. I'm about to send this one off. I'll have more blogs to post from here complete with pictures once I am back to a serious connection.
(writing from Panama, Central America today)