We're making it easier to get Psychology articles at Albertsons Library. Say hello to the PsychINFO and PsycARTICLES databases, both available at the Library's Articles, Databases link on our homepage. The publisher describes them as follows:
What does this mean to you? For starters, the EBSCO platform is easier to use, allowing you to limit your search by full-text and peer-reviewed literature, specific journal and date ranges, and to search multiple EBSCO databases for the articles you need without having to switch windows (we have nearly 40 of EBSCO's databases, including Academic Search Premier, so you can really beef up your results by searching a bunch of them at once).PsycINFO®, from the American Psychological Association (APA), contains more than 2.4 million citations and summaries of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books, and dissertations, all in psychology and related disciplines, dating as far back as the early 1800s. 98 percent of the covered material is peer-reviewed.
PsycARTICLES®, from the American Psychological Association (APA), is a definitive source of full-text, peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific articles in psychology. The database contains more than 134,000 articles from 63 journals - 50 published by the APA and its imprint, the Educational Publishing Foundation (EPF) - and 13 from allied organizations. It includes all journal articles, book reviews, letters to the editor, and errata from each journal. Coverage spans 1894 to present.
PsycARTICLES®, from the American Psychological Association (APA), is a definitive source of full-text, peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific articles in psychology. The database contains more than 134,000 articles from 63 journals - 50 published by the APA and its imprint, the Educational Publishing Foundation (EPF) - and 13 from allied organizations. It includes all journal articles, book reviews, letters to the editor, and errata from each journal. Coverage spans 1894 to present.
Both PsychINFO and PsycARTICLES provide you with two powerful citation and full-text resources--combine these with other EBSCO products like Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection and the Mental Measurements Yearbook, and you have a powerful set of Psychology resources available to you online.