- The Comanche Empire, by Pekka Hämäläine
- Happiness: a revolution in economics, by Bruno S. Frey
- Emotion-regulating Play Therapy with ADHD Children, by Enrico Gnaulati
- Book Crush: for kids and teens: recommended reading for every mood, moment, and interest by Nancy Pearl
- Fort Stanwix National Monument: Reconstructing the Past and Partnering for the Future, by Joan M. Zenzen
- Caribou and Conoco: Rethinking Environmental Politics in Alaska’s ANWR and Beyond, by Robert J. McMonagle
New Books Shelf
Blackwell Synergy Merges with Wiley InterScience
On June 30th, 2008 one of our database vendors, Blackwell Synergy, will merge with new provider Wiley InterScience.
Wiley will close Blackwell Synergy at the end of business (Pacific Standard Time) on Friday June 27th and anticipates that the migration will be completed by Monday June 30th. Over the weekend of June 28th and 29th, there will be a period when both Blackwell Synergy and Wiley InterScience will be unavailable while they transition and re-index data.
After June 30th, Blackwell Synergy will no longer be available. Details about the actual downtime period will be posted on each site prior to June 27th, and you can find other essential information and FAQs about the change in service here:
Some important things to remember:
- No new Wiley-Blackwell content will be published online from June 21st until July 7th. After July 7th, publication schedules will resume as usual.
- Links to journals on Blackwell Synergy will automatically redirect to Wiley InterScience.
- Subscriptions for Blackwell journals on Synergy will migrate to Wiley InterScience, with the terms of all existing licenses honored
- IP authentication will continue to function seamlessly.
New Listening Database Available: Contemporary World Music!
Need an example of flamenco music for a class? Would you like to explore how music addresses issues of social justice around the world? Do you just want to listen to some zydeco or calypso? Then Contemporary World Music (CWM) is the database for you! Albertsons Library now offers access to over 50,000 tracks plus liner notes, through the recent addition of Contemporary World Music to our list of listening databases (which also includes American Song, African American Song, Classical Music Library, and Smithsonian Global Sounds for Libraries).
CWM’s publisher, Alexander Street Press, notes “Contemporary World Music complements Alexander Street’s Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries®, together offering a cross-searchable source of more than 85,000 tracks.” Music gives us a window into the cultures that create it and “Contemporary World Music delivers the sounds of all regions from every continent, for scholarship and pure enjoyment.” As an interdisciplinary database, Contemporary World Music will serve scholars and students across many disciplines as a “source for research in musicology, ethnomusicology, anthropology, folklore, and performance studies.”
You can access CWM any time by going to the Albertsons Library database page and clicking on “Contemporary World Music.” The library also offers access to CWM (and most of our other databases) from your home computer; you merely need your BroncoWeb ID and password to login. For more information, feel free to contact Amy Elliott, Reference Librarian, at x6-4302 or by email.
Oxford Reference Online

This great reference tool brings together in one place over 175 dictionaries, language reference works, and subject reference works (including Oxford Companions series), as well many other bells and whistles including maps and timelines. What is magical is that you are able to search across all the Oxford titles in this collection at once. So you can locate multiple entries on your topic. Sweet!
Examples of far-ranging titles available this database includes:
- Oxford Guide to People and Places of the Bible
- The New Encyclopedia of Birds
- Dictionary of Chemistry
- Dictionary of Economics
- Oxford-Hachette Concise French Dictionary
- The Oxford Companion to the Garden
- Dictionary of Environment and Conservation
- Concise Oxford Companion to Irish Literature
- Oxford Dictionary of Islam
- The Oxford Companion to Twentieth-Century Literature in English
- The Oxford Companion to Women’s Writing in the United States
- Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium
A complete list of titles (we are talking a lot of good stuff) is available here: http://www.oxfordreference.com/pages/Subjects_and_Titles__2F
To access this amazing resource, point your mouse to the Albertsons Library database page, then select “O” (for Oxford, of course) from the A-Z list… and away you go!
What do you want to know? Odds are you will FIND IT in the Oxford Reference Online Premium database.
To access this amazing resource, point your mouse to the Albertsons Library database page, then select “O” (for Oxford, of course) from the A-Z list… and away you go!
What do you want to know? Odds are you will FIND IT in the Oxford Reference Online Premium database.
Rick Stoddart
Reference Librarian
SPORTDiscus: full text available!

SPORTDiscus with Full Text is an international sport and sports medicine database that indexes over 800 sources, with coverage for some sources dating back to 1800. This coverage now includes 430 full text sport and sports medicine journals, dating from 1985 to present.
All Boise State University students, staff and faculty can access this database either using a Boise State University computer or via remote access using their logon to their BSU email.
New to Literary Criticism? Start here.
Now it’s easier than ever to find critical reviews of an author or work of literature. Albertsons Library is pleased to announce the addition of the Gale database Literature Criticism Online, an invaluable gateway that can help students new to literary research find introductory information about an author or work. The database is equally useful to more experienced researchers who are seeking biographical and contextual details about an author, their time, and the critical reception of their individual works.
Literature Criticism Online builds upon the Literary Index database that enabled basic searching of Gale’s literary criticism series. Literature Criticism Online includes searchable full-text entries with original page images for ten of Gale’s critical series that cover nearly every major period and genre.
- Contemporary Literary Criticism
- Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism
- Nineteenth-Century Literary Criticism
- Literature Criticism 1400-1800
- Shakespeare Criticism
- Poetry Criticism
- Short Story Criticism
- Children’s Literature Review
And soon to be added:
- Drama Criticism
- Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism
Perhaps best of all, like all Albertsons Library databases, Literature Criticism Online is available 24/7 from anywhere you have an internet connection and a BroncoWeb login. Enjoy!
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