Library open 24 hours during finals
Database trials: tell us what you think!

On this page you can see what new online products the library is thinking about buying that we have made available for you to use on a trial basis.
Now you can tell us what you think -- just fill out the comment form at the bottom of the page.
Your feedback will help us support the academic pursuits of the Boise State University community.
Changing its tune: Grove Music Online

Get to know EndNote

Librarians are offering workshops for faculty on how to get started with EndNote Web:
- Tuesday, April 22nd, 1:00-2:00 pm
- Wednesday, April 23rd, 1:00-2:00 pm
Here’s a link to a product description for more information on EndNote Web, or please feel free to contact Sara for further details.
Check out our exhibit on green building in support of this week's Distinguished Lecture
The exhibit, entitled "Designing for a better planet: A celebration of green building practices," is on display in the windows outside Special Collections on the second floor of the library. We hope you enjoy it!
International Connections Luncheon: Phillip Kelly

Mary Ann Liebert Journals available @thelibrary
The Liebert journals focus in the following disciplines:Liebert Online delivers electronic access to peer-reviewed journals published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Our critical mass of content exceeds 30,000 papers from more than sixty authoritative journals, all full-text searchable and linked to external bibliographic databases.
- Biomedical Research/Life Sciences
- Biotechnology
- Clinical Medicine/Surgery
- Complementary/Alternative Medicine
- Engineering/Informatics
- Environmental Studies
- Law
- Philanthropy
- Psychology
- Public Health/Policy
To locate Liebert journals, go to the Journal Titles page and select "Publisher" in the drop-down menu option, then type "Liebert" and click Go:
Library collection grants due April 15th

The intent of these grants is to work with faculty members to identify areas of the collection in need of special attention. The goal is to promote the use of library resources by making collections more relevant to the coursework and research interests of faculty and students.
Contact Peggy Cooper at 426-2311 for more information.
Mark Maguire presentation today at the Library
Ireland, once a place from which residents emigrated, has been transformed since 1990 into a major destination for migrants from other countries. Currently over ten percent of Ireland’s population is foreign-born. The country moved rapidly to develop immigration policies in line with European Union and international trends and engaged in heated debates about border security, citizenship, and social services.
As other countries confront similar challenges in managing migration and preventing terrorism, a keyword is “eSecurity.” Borders are becoming eSmart; passports have eMemory; there is enormous investment in the latest biometric systems. Together such electronic measures constitute bio-surveillance, which lies at the heart of contemporary migration policies around the world.
Admission is free and light refreshments will be provided.
Distinguished Lecture Series: William McDonough
McDonough is principal of MBDC, a product and system development firm involved in designing profitable and environmentally intelligent solutions. He is also the founding principal of William McDonough+Partners, alumni research professor at the University of Virginia’s Darden Graduate School of Business Administration, and consulting professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Stanford University.
Turbocharge your library research and earn 1 credit
In UNIV 106 you will learn:
- How to choose a research topic and develop search strategies that generate results.
- Where to find the best information for your research topic.
- How to use library resources effectively, with an emphasis on our digital resources.
UNIV 106 is a one-credit course. Three sections are being offered in fall; two in-person and one distance:
- Mondays, 12:40-1:30 PM | Instructor, Rick Stoddart
- Wednesdays, 8:40-9:30 AM | Instructor, Sara Seely
- Distance section (BlackBoard) | Instructor, Kim Leeder
FYI - JSTOR changes platform

From the JSTOR news website:
We are excited to announce that the new JSTOR platform will be launched on Friday,JSTOR and over 230 research databases and indexes are available via the Library's Articles, Databases link.
April 4. The behind-the-scenes process for switching from the existing JSTOR to the new platform will begin around 7:00 a.m. EST.
A document describing features of the new platform is included in the JSTOR Sandbox The Sandbox also has links to tutorials and training materials focused on the new JSTOR interface.