Location: Student Union Building's Look Out
When: March 12th, 2008
Time: 12:30 to 1:30 PM
In 1994, before the US and Vietnam had normal diplomatic relations, Boise State was invited to become first American university to work in Vietnam. From a one year project to deliver our MBA degree to instructors at the National Economics University in Hanoi, Boise State's involvement grew to nine-year $8.5 million Swedish and US government funded project to help establish the country's first international standard business school.
In a country where the words "business," "management," or "market" did not exist, with faculty members who saw Americans as "evil devils," Boise State professors and administrators became ambassadors for the U.S. Over the nine year project, 25% of the College of Business and Economics faculty members were involved in the program. In addition, 84 Vietnamese came to Boise, Idaho, to do internships with organizations ranging from the YMCA and the Idaho Statesman, to Boise Cascade, Hewlett-Packard, and Penney's .
To date, Vietnam still holds the record for having the largest group of Boise State alumni outside of the US. Some of the graduates have started their own companies - one brought ATMs to Vietnam, a second runs Vietnam's software association, and a third is the financial investment advisor to some of the countries largest and most successful firms. In the process, Boise State gained notoriety and good press in the Asian Wall Street Journal, New York Times, the Idaho Statesman and NPR. Come hear about the program and learn more (perhaps even some of the stories that DIDN'T make the newspapers!).