Most recently, I’ve come from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, which should explain my greeting for those of you who find it strange. I earned my MS in Information Sciences there, and also worked in the John C. Hodges Library’s Reference department for two years. Though I love the South (and the Lady Vols) I have lived in and traveled all over the U.S. and love experiencing new cultures. Before I was at UTK, I was at the University of Connecticut, Storrs, where I earned my MA in English and American Literatures (with specializations in American, Southern, and Medieval literatures).
I’m new to Boise, but so far I love it. It seems like a great place to make a fresh start – a great mixture of outdoor and downtown opportunities – a good place for a bicyclist like me. I also enjoy music, art and culture, so it looks like this could be a good match.
I think that’s about it; I’m sure there could be more, but there will be time enough for that later. I’ll be around the blog – posting now and again. So for now, “Hey & good to be here,” and please contact me at amyelliott2 at boisestate dot edu or 426-4302, if you need anything!