We have a score of new databases and enhancements for your research pleasure:
R2 library
R2 is a web-based application that aggregates health sciences book content from leading publishers in a single platform, with full text access to 116 medical, nursing, and allied health ebooks. Search results for both index and full text can be sorted by publisher, Book Title, Chapter Title, Author, Publisher, or ISBN.
International Index to Music Periodicals
Full Text music journal resource with more than half a million indexed articles, plus detailed abstracts and full text from 1874 to the present, covering the scholarly to the popular. IIMP Full Text is updated with new content every month.
IIMP Full Text now includes 436 indexed titles and 118 full-text titles, with a total of over 634,000 records and almost 238,000 full-text articles.

Classical Scores Library
Classical Scores Library will contain 400,000 pages of the most important classical scores and manuscripts, allowing for the study and analysis of more than 8,000 scores from both in-copyright and public domain editions, but less pages are available currently.
The collection includes works spanning time periods from the Renaissance to the 21st century. Coverage of score types is comprehensive, with full scores, study scores, piano and vocal scores, and piano reductions.

Standard and Poor's netAdvantage
Industry Surveys, Stock Reports, Bond Reports, Company Profiles, and Register of Corporations, Directors and Executives.

Historical Los Angeles Times Newspaper
Major daily newspaper from Los Angeles. With the nation's largest editorial department, it offers extensive online full text coverage of national, international, and local news. Coverage: 1881- 1985