Linking Idaho databases (LiLI-D) are online services providing full-text articles from magazines, professional journals, newspapers, and reference books free to all Idaho residents. Best of all, LiLI-D is free to all Idahoans.
A new four year database contract has been signed, effective January 1, and the major vendor has changed from EBSCO to Thomson Gale. The current package of LiLI-D resources will remain available until December 31, 2006. The new LiLI-D package (the individual products are listed below) will become available on January 1, 2007.
The new products available Jan. 1, 2007 include:
Book Index with Reviews
Book Collection: Non-Fiction
InfoTrac OneFile:
- War and Terrorism Collection
- Academic OneFile
- Communications and Mass Media
- Computer Database
- more...
- General BusinessFile
- Business and Company Profile ASAP
InfoTrac Custom Newspapers (Full Collection)
Gale Virtual Reference Library Selected Titles:
- Biology, 1st Edition, 4V
- Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine, 1st Edition, 4V
- Encyclopedia of Cancer, 1st Edition, 2V
- more...
Please send your comments, questions, or concerns to Peggy Cooper, Head of Collection Development, x62311.